Essential Tips to Manage the Side Effects of Chemotherapy
The battle against cancer involves many stages, and at one particular stage, you will have to face chemo. While they are all done for the best, chemotherapy comes with specific…
The place where wide struck change in the field of medicine stands to be possible and achievable.
The basic methodology to bring in solutions and establish an advanced outcome stands to be the one true element that you can find with us.
To integrate publicly available multi-omics datasets, well-characterized multiple-biopsies cohorts, and literature-driven knowledge powered by the Watson cognitive computer, developed at IBM.
We will apply Precise to prostate cancer molecular cohorts where multiple biopsies have been generated from each patient.
We will investigate molecular mechanisms, identify suitable intervention points for therapy and suggest personalized therapies based on patient’s clonal signatures.
Take a look at the many areas of expertise that tends to receive the touch of excellence from our expert professionals.
The expected outcome is the development of a predictive computational technology that can exploit molecular and clinical data to improve the understanding of disease mechanism and to inform clinicians about optimized treatment strategies.
The Precise project is planned to run for 36 months. It is organized into nine work packages with significant dependencies and expected synergies between them
Creating a space for individuals to learn and explore what we provide through conferences and workshops that hit the mark of change by classifying things to be possible.
Meetings and other kinds of programs that are known to lead the way in terms of information and knowledge are the ones that we conduct to take it all in the right direction.
The massive number of areas that we have managed to cover tends to speak for us.
Deployability and the path to user experience stand to be taken into consideration while we bring in the sense of change to the basic model that we have all grown to believe.
The battle against cancer involves many stages, and at one particular stage, you will have to face chemo. While they are all done for the best, chemotherapy comes with specific…
Our lifestyle decides our future for the larger part of the picture because diseases and other related problems are right around the corner. But that does not make the battle…
Innovation and advancement are two concepts that fit well into every single industry that has been pushed forward by humans. Thanks to their credible effort, we are at a stage…